Nagari SMS Banking

by PT Bank Nagari



With Nagari SMS Banking you can enjoy banking transactions anywhere and anytime

Nagari SMS Banking is an application to fulfill your banking transaction needs through your smartphone, anytime and anywhere.To use this application, you have to be a registered-user. You can simply do the registration process through ATM Bank Nagari to get non financial transaction services or Bank Nagari Branches to get further information about getting financial transaction services. As a non-financial registered user, you can only conduct non-financial transactions such as:1. Balance inquiry2. Last historical transaction inquiryTo be the financial registered user, you have to come to Bank Nagari branches to do the activation process. As a financial registered user, you can conduct all non-financial transactions and also these following financial transactions:1. Fund transfer to another Bank Nagari accounts and also interbank fund transfer2. Bill payment for Postpaid Telco product, PDAM, insurance and pay TV provider product3. Top up Telco voucher4. Top up TV voucherThis application compatible for all android version.To get started, you should download Nagari SMS Banking application first. After installation, the application will require you to :1. Accept the term and condition policy;2. Create your own password to gain permission to access Nagari SMS Banking application.After the activation process is complete and successful, you will be directed to main menu and enjoy the Nagari SMS Banking features.For further assistance, please contact Nagari Call Centre at (0751) 24444.Enjoy using the Nagari SMS Banking application.Nagari SMS Banking dengan fitu-fitur baru :- Pembelian Paket Data Telkomsel- Pembayaran Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan (PBB)- Pembayaran Telkom / Speedy- Pembayaran BPJS

Read trusted reviews from application customers

Sampe keriting jempol, berulang kali install dan uninstall, teuteup aja dibilang gagal koneksi ke server. Lelah dedek

Sweetie Evie

Update Aplikasi bermasalah : 1. Tampilan transfer sms banking kenapa langsung dialihkan ke aplikasi sms HP, tidak ada report seperti biasanya diaplikasi. 2. Fitur pembelian pulsa Telkomsel tidak bisa dilakukan, karena nominasi tidak muncul. Mohon perbaikannya, update aplikasi mestinya jadi lebih baik. Terimakasih.

Hendrick Rasoel

Aplikasi yg semakin berkembang menjadi lebih baik. Awal2 saya install dulu memang jelek (mungkin karena baru) tapi sekarang bagus banget !!!

Yesty Zuhri

Kok ngk bisa dibuka app nya?????

rahmi fitria

Sms banking kemahalan. Sering tidak responding..

debby Pratama


eko fayerton

Coba berkali-kali cek saldo tidak ada respon. Pesan yg keluar hanya S norek. Perlu improvement

Jonhar Rusli

Aplikasi engak...haddeeeewwwww


Ngak bekerja. Setiap coba bahkan buat cek saldo aja error mulu 😝

Ayu Cherness

Kok konfirmasinya smsnya ga masuk

Siska Willyani Putri